A Stranger in A Beautiful Country, working so hard to accomplish a life changing Mission — The Andela Cohort 13 Bootcamp

Yusuph H. Kajabukama
1 min readDec 3, 2016


To me accomplishing the Andela Cohort 13 Bootcamp is vital in various ways, first as an aspiring World — class developer and secondly as a team member of the current Andela Cohort 13 Bootcamp. This opportunity is very important in my career development I have given it all and I’m constantly challenged by may factors along the way.

The first week of the Andela Bootcamp is completely an off campus engagement except the first day which is considered the Bootcamp Developer Clinic. With my experience so far I have met several challenges that are threatening my contribution and participation in the Andela Bootcamp. The working environment of my first week seem to get in my way and I’m enduring a lot to meet deadlines of my assignment.

Most of the assignment and activities requires a reliable internet connection, so far that has been my painful challenge during these few days of my first week, being a Stranger in a country with different cultures makes it even harder to go around looking for a reliable internet connection.

Despite all the challenges that I’m currently facing, I’m not tired of finding my way out of these troubles neither heart broken but ignited more to make my first Andela Bootcamp experience a memorable one.



Yusuph H. Kajabukama

A Developer/Speaker/Writer - Focusing on Data Visualization, Javascript, PHP, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Databases